NDDC Shortlisted Candidates 2024/2025 Download Final List

NDDC Shortlisted Candidates 2024. The much-anticipated NDDC shortlisted candidates list for 2024 has been officially released. The first and second batch lists from the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) are now available on the official portal for shortlisted candidates.
This list includes the names of candidates who applied for the NDDC recruitment, meeting all the necessary qualifications and requirements.
The announcement of shortlisted candidates for the 2024/2025 recruitment cycle is now complete, and the selection process is ongoing. All applicants are encouraged to check their names, screening centers, necessary documents, and further instructions.
This page offers detailed information on how to access the 2024 NDDC shortlisted candidates list and other key details. The full list of NDDC shortlisted candidates is available for download in PDF format.
Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) 2024 Shortlisted Candidates
Applicants who submitted their online applications during the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) recruitment are hereby notified that the list of shortlisted candidates, along with screening and training dates and venues, is now accessible on the official NDDC recruitment portal: www.nddc.gov.ng.
Prior to the online application process, the NDDC aimed to recruit qualified individuals with strong time management skills and professionalism in various fields.
Screening For NDDC Shortlisted Candidates
The screening for eligible candidates has now been confirmed and will take place across all 36 states, including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Candidates who do not meet the required qualifications for the available positions will be disqualified during the NDDC 2024/2025 screening exercise.
How Will I Know If I am Shorlisted For NDDC 2024 Recruitment
Shortlisted candidates have been informed via SMS and email. Those who did not receive an email notification are encouraged to visit the NDDC recruitment portal to check the uploaded PDF list.
The final PDF list of 2024/2025 shortlisted candidates is now available, and only those whose names appear on this list are eligible to participate in the upcoming screening process.
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2024 NDDC Shortlisted Candidates
Have you applied for the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) 2024 recruitment? The list of shortlisted candidates has been released and is available for all applicants. To check if your name is on the list, simply login to the recruitment portal using the credentials you created during the application process.
Who made it to the list? The shortlisted candidates are those who fulfilled all the eligibility requirements during the application. If you met the criteria, there’s a good chance your name is on the list.
If you find your name among the shortlisted candidates, don’t get complacent. This is the time to gather all necessary documents in preparation for the upcoming screening exercise. Being organized now will ensure you don’t forget anything and that you’re ready to take any required tests. Instructions on how to check the list are provided below.
Is NDDC Shortlist 2024 Out?
Yes, the NDDC Shortlisted candidate list is out. The NDDC shortlist represents the second stage of the recruitment process. Only candidates who met the necessary qualifications set by the Niger Delta Development Commission during the initial phase have progressed to this stage. Those who fulfill the criteria have a strong possibility of finding their names on the list of shortlisted candidates.
How to Check/Download the NDDC Shortlisted Candidates 2024
To check the NDDC 2024 shortlisted candidates, follow these straightforward steps:
- Head over to the recruitment portal at www.nddc.gov.ng.
- Log in with the same credentials you used during your application process.
- Navigate to the section labeled “Shortlisted Candidates” and select it.
- Scroll through the list provided to search for your name.
- If you’d prefer to save the list for future reference or examine it more carefully, click the “download” button located below the list.
- The document will be saved as a PDF; you can find it in your browser’s downloads.
- You can also check your email for any notifications from NDDC regarding your shortlisting status.